You about what your target audience values? How are their products and services priced? How do their products and services compare to yours? What kind of sales, discounts or incentives do they offer? What kind of proof statements, guarantees or disclaimers do they use? How well do their marketing strategies match what you know about your target audience?
What complaints do their customers have about their products and services? What do they like? If you take the time to get to know your competitors, you can get all kinds of insights and ideas Malaysia Phone Numbers 22 Million List to try. Even if your product or service is quite unique, if a competitor’s product addresses a similar need or problem, you can often learn from their products, services or marketing strategies.

For better or worse, your competitors have a lot to learn about your target audience and how to motivate them to buy from you. They may not all be directly relevant to your business, but your competitors are part of the world your customers live in. What makes you a competitor to other companies is that you share the same audience,