nowadays the qualitative aspect matters much more than thequantitative. 3. "What can be measured can be improved" (PeterDrucker, management consultant) Although Peter Drucker was not only referringto SEO, this quote hides a great truth: it is not enough to measure certainmetrics, you must also interpret them to find ways to improve them. 4."Today it is no longer enough to get traffic, you have to get targeted andrelevant traffic" (Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer RKG) This quotecould be translated as follows: the goal of SEO is not to reach the firstposition in Google, but to generate sales and profit for your business. 5. "Asuccessful SEO strategy isn't about fooling Google. It's about partnering withGoogle to give users the best results" (Phil
Frost, Main Street ROI) This is one of the mainmisconceptions of beginners in the field of online Italy WhatsApp Number Data marketing. Doing SEO doesnot mean tricking Google, but collaborating with it, for the benefit of users.6. "My rule is to build a site for users, not for search enginecrawlers" (Dave Naylor, Managing Director As with otherquotes above, this highlights the transition of SEO activity from to aneminently technical one to a creative one,the best possible user experience .7. "Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first" (WendyPiersall, CEO & Editor in Chief Woo! Jr. Kids Activities) , considering that Google's mission is to organizethe information in such a way that those considered "the best" arepositioned
at the top of the list. 8. "On a large scale, I see SEObecoming a common marketing tactic, just as TV, radio and print media are seenas traditional marketing tactics" (Duane Forrester, Senior Product ManagerBing) Just as companies have strategies and specific approaches for each mediachannel (radio, TV, print media), it must also have a very well developed SEOstrategy. 9. "SEO works better and better over time. As algorithms change,you only need to change the tricks used, not the strategy" (Jill Wahlen, Last 7 SEO TACTICS FROM THE PAST. WHAT NOT(!) TO DOTO GET TO THE TOP OF SEARCHES? Ovidiu Joita About SEO in general 0 comments3500 views SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a field in constant change and