The amount obtained on crowdfunding platforms can be in the form of: loan obtained from several lenders sale of a number of shares in the company donation, in exchange for which donors receive a non-financial reward, most often free goods or services from the company To benefit from such a funding source, you can sign up on platforms such as Indigogo , Kickstarter or Seedblink . Advantages of crowdfunding Unlike other forms of financing, through these platforms you can get investors even before launching the business
Or product you dream of. In addition, this way you can validate your idea – if, for example, the British Student Phone Number List crowdfunding campaign is not successful, you should think about how you can improve your idea. Crowdfunding limitations The amounts obtained are not very large and therefore may be insufficient for the needs of the business. In addition, most crowdfunding campaigns do not work because ideas do not reach 100% of their goal, which means that the entrepreneur does not receive funding and must return all contributions received.

Financing with the issue / sale of shares By means of issue operations, both the equity capital and the loan capital of the enterprise are formed. Thus, when the equity capital is formed, shares are issued, and when the loan capital is created, bonds are issued. Advantages of financing through the issue of shares In addition to the fact that the issue of shares and bonds aims to attract capital, at the same time, other problems are also solved, such as: reconstituting the property or improving the financial situation. Limitations on financing through the sale of shares This form of financing is not available for all types of companies, being especially characteristic of large companies, through listing on the stock exchange. 2.